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The Warriors Journey
Jiu Jitsu Tourna
ment Fundraiser
Sponsorship Packages

Nov 16, 2024 - Mesa, AZ

Platinum Sponsor Package

Contribution: $10,000

Package Benefits:

- Title sponsor recognition, e.g., "Tournament Name - Presented by [Your Company]"

- Prominent placement of your company logo on all tournament marketing materials, including website, flyers, & banners.

- Acknowledgment during the opening and closing ceremonies.

- Opportunity to speak during the opening ceremony

- Exclusive rights to provide promotional materials and products at the event.

- VIP access to the tournament, including ringside seating and VIP lounge access.

- Opportunity to present awards to the winning participants.

- Recognition on the non-profit organization's website and social media platforms.

- Customized thank-you plaque.

Gold Sponsor Packag

Contribution: $5,000 

Package Benefits:

- Co-sponsor recognition on all tournament marketing materials.

- Prominent placement of your company logo on the tournament's website and select promotional materials.

- Acknowledgment during the opening ceremony.

- Access to a designated vendor booth space at the event.

- VIP access to the tournament and VIP lounge access.

- Recognition on the non-profit organization's website and social media platforms.

- Customized thank-you plaque.


Silver Sponsor Package

Contribution: $2,500

Package Benefits:

- Acknowledgment as a Silver Sponsor on tournament marketing materials.

- Placement of your company logo on the tournament's website.

- Access to a designated vendor booth space at the event.

- VIP access to the tournament.

- Recognition on the non-profit organization's website.

- Customized thank-you plaque.


Bronze Sponsor Package 

Contribution: $1,000

Package Benefits:

- Acknowledgment as a Bronze Sponsor on select tournament marketing materials.

- Company logo on the tournament's website.

- Recognition on the non-profit organization's website.

- VIP access to the tournament.

- Standard vendor booth space at the event.

- Thank-you certificate.

Community Sponsor

Contribution: $500

Package Benefits:

- Mention on promotion materials

- Recognition on the non-profit organization's website.

- Standard vendor booth space at the event.

- Thank-you certificate.

 In-Kind Sponsorships

**In Kind Donations: We also welcome in-kind sponsorships for items such as food and beverages, event equipment, and raffle prizes. In-kind sponsors will receive benefits based on the value of their contributions.

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